Monday, March 18, 2013

Unload/ Snatch Today

This week is going to be a transition week for myself and the other lifter at Bluegrass Barbell. Coming off the "High" of competition you are always eager to get into the gym and hit that next PR! Well that is where a good coach comes in. Coach Ben Carter does a good job at reeling us all back in and allowing adaptation to occur. With the constant "Push Push Push" of Weightlifting there needs to be a time for that stimulus to turn into success. Unloading weeks will allow the body to "Super-compensate" to the stress that is placed upon it. This is where the General Adaptation Syndrome  (GAS) coming to place. With any high level of training the body will adapt to the stress placed upon it. There will be a point where the body starts to be negatively impacted by this stress. When this happens there needs to be a point in training where the body must rest and allow adaptation to occur.

Last week and this week are both two types of deload weeks. Last week was a short taper week to allow my body to feel weight but focus on moving weight with higher velocity. This week is a back off week with Load, the volume is moderately high but with a focus on the quality of each movement.

Training today:
Snatch 6x3 @70% 
6x3 @ 92k
Today was a fantastic day of training. Managed to get by without missing a rep today, which is very exciting for me! I have been struggling with the placement of the snatch, the movement off the floor and how my body is interacting with the bar. I was able to manage my bar path, sweeping the bar in tight to the body and finishing my pulls with each rep.

Snatch Pulls 6x3 @85%
6x3 @ 110k
Pulls felt great today, weight in the heel and mid foot coming off the floor, Lats tight, and a clean brush at the hip for the 2nd pull.

Each day is a day that can be chalked up as a learning experience in the race of life. I look at each day as a chance to get better and impact myself and the other lifters around me.

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